
Pictures of you, pictures of me...

Just wanted to post some pictures. I went camping in Payson over the weekend and it was so nice to get out of the heat and into the forrest! I got to really meet and hang out with quite of few of Ryans friends and I am happy to say we all got along nicely. There were a lot of people and there, lots of adults and kids. Unfortunately my kids were with their dad but it did give me a nice break. I got to eat some elk and deer steak, drink some Bud Light and pee in the woods a whole bunch. It was real camping in the middle of nowhere which is not what I am used too! So here is me in the woods! Here is Ryan and me freezing our tails off. It had to be cold
for Ryan to be wearing a coat and hat. He's the one wearing shorts and a t-shirt in December when I am all bundled up! I was actually wearing a t-shirt, a hoodie and the big jacket! It was chilly! Saturday and Sunday were gorgeous though, perfect weather that reminds me of Montana. Next thing to look forward to is our trip to San Diego at the end of the month. I don't think the kiddos know what to expect. We will be hanging out at the beach and taking a trip to Sea World. I can't wait! Hopefully the weather is nice. I keep checking and the high has been around 65 which is a bit to chill for me.

Here is Adia looking all grown up! And this is the best pic of Landon yet! I wish there was a way to send this to BK....I could totally see this in a magazine with a cute tagline!

Thats all for now folks. I will have more crafty goodness soon. I am currently working on one swap and helping Adia in her first one. So we will both have some stuff to show off soon...

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