

These are photos of stuff I made for the invite your partner swap on craftster. Princesspimp81 and I seemed to have a lot in common so I decided to ask her to be my partner and she accepted! I am so glad I asked since I received a wonderful package from her a few weeks ago. It was FULL of crochet goodies and some gorgeous jewelry. She makes these wonderful crochet cake boxes and I am lucky enough to now have one of my very own! I have been hounding her to try a cupcake box cause that would just be sweet!
So for her package I made her three scrabble tile charms. She has a love of cupcakes and all things cute just like me. She also said she like gnomes (which I guess can be kind of cute)

Again playing off the love of pink/cute things is this pendant. This one was hard to give up. I really really really like it. I am pretty sure I have another of the lolly charms though so I may have to recreate it.

I have made these before so they may be in a previous post. Cupcake earrings! So cute! I have yet to make any of these for myself. Maybe I need to have a crafty day where I make the stuff I want to keep for myself! LOL yeah right as if that would ever happen...

I made the bracelet a while ago and it's one of my faves but I have never worn it. It was too big for me and I never got around to fixing it. Well I found it, thought it fit my partner perfectly and it was the right size based on her info so into the package it went. I do want to make another for myself, just need to go get more of these beads.

There is a ring. The heart is actually really sparkley. I did actually make one of these for myself but have yet to wear it. I have recently become addicted to bigger chunky rings.

More jewelrey of course! She said she likes more of the stone type beads so I couldn't resist these pretty purple pearly like stones. The picture is somewhat dark and doesn't show how pretty the stones really are.
Last but not least a shirt based on a necklace that was on her wist. Make Love Not Horcruxes which is a reference to Harry Potter in case you didn't know. I am going to actually make up one of these for myself and two of my girlfriends. We will probably wear them when we go see the new HP movie in July. Yes I know that is totally dorky and No I don't care. This shirt took me three tries to get right. The first time I muffed up the stencil, the second time I didn't position the stencil correctly and the words were crooked and off to the side. I guess thirds times a charm??

My box is en route to it's destination and I hope that Princesspimp81 enjoys her package as much as I enjoyed the one I got from her.

Adia is participating in a swap for kids. She has picked out the projects she wants to make her partner, we just need to get supplies. As soon as she gets things going I will post some pictures of her works of art. She is already so talented. Her paintings/drawings are better than anything I could ever do! Keep an eye out for her artwork, coming soon!

I have decided that I REALLY REALLY need a die cutting machine to make stencils. I hate cutting out stencils! I have a really really intricate one I am going to be doing for a shirt I am going to make myself. I am not looking forward to the cutting but can't wait for the results.

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