

One of my fave swaps is the Jar of Whimsies. My partner in this last round sent me a box of whimsies that included great things for me AND the kids. She crocheted a whole set of Ninja Turtles for Landon. OMG he was so excited. Adia got a cute tote with some homemade crayon soaps and a few other things. I got a crocheted game of Pass the Pigs. I remember playing this game in Montana when I was a kid. I actually have a travel sized one and now a super sized one! Well I obviously sent out a jar and wanted to share a few of the things I made that were included. Some PEZ earrings made out of real PEZ, poly clay PB&J, an eggy pincushion, and happy egg and toast clips. The poor Jelly face didn't turn out so well but I tried! I just can't paint such small details. So a funny story, I was trying to seal the PEZ with this super thick glue I have and I had to do one side at a time. So I do the one side of two PEZ and leave them out to dry. I go to seal the other side and all of a sudden I only have one PEZ....
It is quite possible that I am losing my freaking mind but no it turns out that Landon ate one! As I was pondering the possiblity of losing my marbles, he runs up and tells me, "Mommy I ate that but it had yucky stuff on it" Well who knows when this happened and it didn't seem to have any ill effects on him which is a good thing. Next thing I know Adia says that she was going to eat one too but saw that it had stuff on it so she just put it back! I mean these things were not out in plain sight tempting them or anything. Maybe they just have a sweets radar or something.
I will have more pictures to post tomorrow on another package I just shipped out.
ugh I shouldn't have eaten the Snickers, I feel my butt and tummy getting bigger as I type! No more Snickers for me!

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