
Kids at the Museum

The Childrens Museum in downtown Phoenix is definitely worth visiting. http://www.childrensmuseumofphoenix.org/
I hadn't ever been there but am so glad that we made the trip. The only complaint I have is that I think it was maybe geared towards younger kids so there was way more for Landon to do than Adia. She played along with him but.... Well you know how it is. Always going to be hard to find things that suit both age groups all the time.

It is a three story building with different rooms with different themes and even activities in the


One of the favorites was the art room. There were tables set up with two different crafts. One was making an oragami cobra and the other was using pastels to draw sea animals. The biggest hit though was the little house in the middle of the room set up for the kids to paint. It looks like it's had many many layers slapped on by many artists but the kids didn't care. It was so nice that they provided smocks for the kids to wear so their clothes didn't get too messy.

Another favorite for the little ones was the trike wash. Poor Landon had to try out a few trikes before he found one where he could reach the pedals! He rode around and through the car wash probably 10 times. This was one of those things that Adia was too big for. She actually helped out the little kids and kept traffic moving!

This kids also had fun in the kitchen area where they got to play with real kitchen stuff. There were pots, pans, all kind of accesories.

Last but not least was the Noodle Forest. I think they would have spent all day here if we would have let them. What a great yet simple idea that was loved by all the kids. Kinda made me think of other ways to use the noodles. Hmmm to shade a patio....in a kids doorway or closet.....
This museum got my creative juices flowing too. It was definitely somewhere I want to visit again. Especially when they open up some of the new exhibits they are working on.

Childrens Museum Art

We took the kids to the Childrens Museum Sunday and it was an amazing place. This post is going to be about some of the art we saw there. I wish I had taken more photos but we were too busy seeing all the things there were to see.

When you first walk in you see this wall covered with CD's. It is across from huge windows so the light reflects and makes rainbows throughout the room. This was my favorite thing. It was so pretty. Some of the CD's were colored and others weren't. I would love to have something like this but am not sure how it would look on a smaller scale.

Next to the art room they had this. It reminds me of a giant jar of whimises. You can look at it from either side and see all the neat treasures inside. So cool...
Last in the kitchen room they had a ton of sculptures made from silverware. Here is the bird. there was also a frog, a dragonfly and a huge abstract thing that covered a big chunk of the ceiling.

Altered Altoid Tin

This is a bird themed altered Altoid tin that was made for a swap. I attached all the sequins by hand and now remember why I hate sequins. This was only a small project, I couldn't imagine a large sequined project....
The fillers inside the tin. Some handmade gift tags, ribbon barettes, two little ornaments, a brooch, magnets, Mickey cell phone charm, stickers and little shells.A closeup of my partners faves from the tin. The bird magnet, brooch, cell phone charm, and owly ornament. The brooch is supposed to kind of be like a bird house. Not sure if I pulled that look off or not though. I hand sewed the owl ornament.



I made this necklace as an example for a starter jewelry kit I made for someone. It was a new type of necklace but I am really happy with how it turned out. I will definitely be making more in this style in the future. I have decided though that I need to take pictures with better lighting from now on! It's just too damn hot to go outside and do it in the natural light right now. So you will all just have to deal with my craptastic photos. I know you know that it turned out lovely in real life....

100 Things About Me

I did the 100 things about me swap and received and amazing package from Pupper. A few of the things I made for her are here. She likes creepy things. This was stepping out of the box for me cause I am not into so much creepy! On her wist she had a doll parts coat hanger. I decided to step it up a bit and add some creepy doll heads. Let me tell you I was glad to get this boxed up and off my counter! Even though it isn't my style I still really like the way it turned out.
Her fave colors are red and black, hence the color scheme. Her fave movie is Rocky Horror Picture Show which is why we have the RHPS lips on a necklace. There is also a skully cell phone charm and a Zombie finger puppet.
Her favorite word is Superb, so it had to go on a stenciled shirt for her. The U and P kind of ran together a bit. I used opaque paint for some reason and really had to use a lot which is probably why. I am going to throw all the opaque paints away or give them to Adia so I am not tempted to use them again in the future...
Not pictured is a cassette tape wallet, a few glass tile magnets, a small jar of whimsies, and some extras.


San Diego

We had a fun trip to San Diego. We hung out at the beach, shopped, BBQ'd and went to Sea World. There are lots more pictures on my Myspace and Facebook pages. These are some of my favorites...

Adia's Swap

Here We have some of the things that Adia made for the kids swap she participated in. Magnets, flip flops, heart pins, tattoo soap, and a painted shirt. Not shown are treasure rocks, sidewalk paint, and lots of little extras. She had a ton of fun making everything.
Her package is on it's way to us and she is so excited to recieve!


I love inchies. They are usually pretty quick and easy to make. I did a personal swap with someone on Craftster and these are the ones I made for her. I tried to make some of them a little more dimensional and textured. I really like how most of them turned out. The ones I received were amazing and gave me a ton of inspiration to make some more. I am still collecting inchies to make a large collage of them to hang over my couch. I also already have plans to do another personal swap for more inchies with the same person.

Diaper Cake

This is my first attempt at a diaper cake. I recieved a really awesome one when I was pregnant with Landon. Mine didn't turn out quite as well but it's still really cute. It was made for my friend Natalie and her soon to be born son Asher. Congratulations Natty I hope you liked your cake!

Tree Mosaic

I made this for the mom in the kids swap also. Above it is a work in progress. Below it all finished. Let me tell you, I am so glad I numbered all the peices for in case they got mixed up. Cause of course, the pieces got mixed up!

The person I made this for told me that she hung it up in her living room. I don't think there is a better compliment than that. I am pretty proud of the way this turned out.

Wooden Earrings

So I think I have decided to try a different format. Either I don't know how to do it right or it's just effed up but trying to show a bunch of pics on here sucks. So for all things crafty that I make I am going to do a separate post for each. Either that or I am just going to upload all the pics with no descriptions and say screw it! I don't think it matter much either way since no one really reads the blog anyway! So Adia participated in a kids swap and I made these earrings out of wooden beads for the mom. Pretty basic but nice.