
Kids at the Museum

The Childrens Museum in downtown Phoenix is definitely worth visiting. http://www.childrensmuseumofphoenix.org/
I hadn't ever been there but am so glad that we made the trip. The only complaint I have is that I think it was maybe geared towards younger kids so there was way more for Landon to do than Adia. She played along with him but.... Well you know how it is. Always going to be hard to find things that suit both age groups all the time.

It is a three story building with different rooms with different themes and even activities in the


One of the favorites was the art room. There were tables set up with two different crafts. One was making an oragami cobra and the other was using pastels to draw sea animals. The biggest hit though was the little house in the middle of the room set up for the kids to paint. It looks like it's had many many layers slapped on by many artists but the kids didn't care. It was so nice that they provided smocks for the kids to wear so their clothes didn't get too messy.

Another favorite for the little ones was the trike wash. Poor Landon had to try out a few trikes before he found one where he could reach the pedals! He rode around and through the car wash probably 10 times. This was one of those things that Adia was too big for. She actually helped out the little kids and kept traffic moving!

This kids also had fun in the kitchen area where they got to play with real kitchen stuff. There were pots, pans, all kind of accesories.

Last but not least was the Noodle Forest. I think they would have spent all day here if we would have let them. What a great yet simple idea that was loved by all the kids. Kinda made me think of other ways to use the noodles. Hmmm to shade a patio....in a kids doorway or closet.....
This museum got my creative juices flowing too. It was definitely somewhere I want to visit again. Especially when they open up some of the new exhibits they are working on.

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