
Childrens Museum Art

We took the kids to the Childrens Museum Sunday and it was an amazing place. This post is going to be about some of the art we saw there. I wish I had taken more photos but we were too busy seeing all the things there were to see.

When you first walk in you see this wall covered with CD's. It is across from huge windows so the light reflects and makes rainbows throughout the room. This was my favorite thing. It was so pretty. Some of the CD's were colored and others weren't. I would love to have something like this but am not sure how it would look on a smaller scale.

Next to the art room they had this. It reminds me of a giant jar of whimises. You can look at it from either side and see all the neat treasures inside. So cool...
Last in the kitchen room they had a ton of sculptures made from silverware. Here is the bird. there was also a frog, a dragonfly and a huge abstract thing that covered a big chunk of the ceiling.

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