
Oh the Holiday Season is over (Thank GOD)

Okay so in my earlier post I was actually excited about Christmas but the closer it got the more grinchy I felt. I listened to Christmas music everyday, we watched Christmas movies every night, I had everything all prepared and ready to go....

But the closer it came the more I just wanted it to be over. I decided that the best thing was the long weekend. Well Christmas has come and gone and it was pretty anti-climactic. All the months of build up and it was done and over with by 8:00 AM Chrismas morning when I dropped the kids off to their dad. Now all I have to look forward to is putting all these new toys away, putting the decorations away until next year, and losing the weight I gained from all the goodies I ate. It's not as much fun as it was when I was a kid. There were quite a few things that I did enjoy and I will list them here as proof that I am not a complete Bah Humbug Scrooge..

I enjoyed picking out gifts for everyone

I really enjoyed seeing family and spending time with them

I enjoyed the wine I drank

I really enjoyed all the goodies my aunt made (she makes the best sugar cookies) and the spritz cookies my grandma made (BEST EVER)

I loved seeing the kids faces when they woke up Christmas morning and saw the tree with lots of presents underneath it

I loved getting to spend Christmas day with Ryan but it was bittersweet

I loved all the great pictures that my brother took

I loved being able to donate toys and food to the less fortunate

Overall it was a good holiday but I am glad that it's over for another year. I don't know if the season begins to early or if it doesn't last long enough. Now it's almost the new year and time for some resolutions that I probably won't keep!

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