
Tis the Season

Happy Holidays! For once I am actually super excited about the holidays. I am actually prepared ahead of time. I have finished all my shopping and all I need to do is wrap. I am so excited about some of these presents I have picked out. I got the perfect things for my kids, my BFF, and the hardest person ever to shop for, Ryan! I have purchased all the stuff I need for baking. So for you lucky few be expecting some cherry blossoms, buckeyes, Oreo truffles, pretzel bark, and red velvet cake balls. We have decorated the tree which the cats are determined to destroy. I keep squirting them with the spray bottle but so far it hasn't deterred them much. I have even done Christmas cards this year. I have been listening to Christmas music at work and it seems like all I need is a little snow! (but really no thanks, I am already freezing)
Plans are in full swing for Adia's birthday party. We will be having it a week early since she will be at her dads on her birthday weekend. There have been a ton of people invited. It will be nice to get together with so many family and friends. I am going shopping today for the snacks she has requested be served. She decided on Doritos, fruit and marshmallows with chocolate dip, popcorn, and chocolate cake with chocolate icing. I am actually going to make a second cake just in case we need it. I will probably also get a few more snacks to broaden the menu a bit! The theme is Pink Cowgirl, I also have some regular plates for the boys who may not really want to eat off of girly plates. She decided to give out ornament craft kits to everyone for favors. I think we are all ready to go and this is shaping up to be the biggest party for her yet!
We averted disaster earlier this week when Adia's hamster Fluffy escaped from his cage. I was so afraid I was going to come home from work and be picking up little hamster parts cause the cats caught him but no. Turns out we should have named him Lucky instead of Fluffy! I had locked the cats in a bedroom to do a better search for the little rodent but had to go back in for something and lo and behold there was Fluffy! I had locked him in with the cats!!! He was scampering away from the cats who were ready to pounce when I snatched him up and saved him. YES I AM A HAMSTER HERO!!!!!!!!! No applause necessary, really it's what any mom would have done.

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