
Is it a Swallow or a Sparrow?

I don't know which it is but I know I LOVE it! I was very inspired by the Sailor Jerry images and so I asked my wonderful artist friend Kristin to draw this up so I could stencil it on a shirt. Well she drew it up and I looked at it was too intimidated to cut it out for fear of messing it up.

Kristin has now been showing me up with her freezer paper stenciled creations that she went ahead and cut the stencil out for me. I painted it on using fabric paint and she touched it up since she has a much steadier hand than I! I love how the paint is thin in some spots letting the gray show through giving it a worn look. I love this so much I am afraid to wear it now!!!

Thank you Kristin for lending your artistic skills to this for me. Oh who am I kididng thank you Kristin for doing this for me!

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