
More Stenciled shirts

These are some stenciled items I made for the Ongoing Wish Swap.
This was my second attempt at a ship. The first one bled all over and looked like a weird foggy ghost ship thing.
Ha rock, paper, scissors!
This stencil was a pain in the butt to cut out and I totally painted a space in the rock that I shouldn't have. Ooops!
Here is a funny saying that my partner liked. Again I did an oops that I didn't even realize until after I sent it. I didn't fill in the bridge on the A in example. I apologized to my partner but she said she didn't even notice it. I don't understand how I miss these things! It's not like I ever rush through my projects. I am blaming it on my kids distracting me.
And finally a random octopi that I did more of a negative effect on and he is meant to be a wall hanging. He's probably one of my favorite stenciled projects cause it's just a little be different.

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