
Mmmmm Donuts.....

I had quite a productive weekend in the kitchen and in the craft room. I started Saturday morning trying my hand at making homemade donuts. I got the idea from Every Crafty Endeavor

It started with a can of refrigerated biscuits.

I spread them out a bit then poked holes with a water bottle cap.
Be sure to save the cut out holes!

Toss those donuts in the fryer, cook on one side then flip and cook the other. I put them on a rack to drain after I took them out of the oil.

For the Glaze
You will need:
You will need:
1/4 cup milk
1 tsp. vanilla
and 2 cups powdered sugar
(I halved this and still had way more than enough)
Mix the milk and vanilla together in a pan on low heat until warm.
Add in the powdered sugar and whisk until blended.
I let it boil up a little bit and then remove it from the heat

Brush the Glaze over your donuts. I found that if you let them sit for a bit they aren't as sticky from the glaze but they don't taste as good!

Now remember the holes I saved? I fried those up too and tossed them in a papersack with cinnamon and sugar. I think these tasted better than the regular glazed donuts. Next time I may do all donut holes and toss some with cinnamon and sugar and some with powdered sugar.

Hope you enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. MMMMMM..... soo tasty and easy! I think I'll try them this weekend.


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