
Mmmm S'mores Stuffed Brownies

The next project I worked on Saturday was S'mores Brownies. I love marshmallows and chocolate so I knew these had to be good! The recipe came from Making Memories...One Fun Thing After Another. First I gathered my supplies.
A brownie mix + ingredients needed to make brownies
Graham Crackers
Chocolate Bars

Make your brownie mix according to the package directions and spread half the batter into your prepared pan. ( I should have lined my pan with foil and used a bit of a smaller pan)

Add a layer of graham crackers

Ooops I totally forgot to add the chocolate bars as in the orginal recipe. There is always next time.
Then a layer of marshmallows....
Marshmallows + AZ summers do not mix! Every brand new bag at the store had sticky marshmallows! I had to rip these apart to put them in the pan. Next time I will use WAY more marshmallows too!

Cover with the rest of your brownie batter

Bake at 350 for 40-45 minutes or until a toothpick stuck in comes out clean.
Let these babies cool before cutting.


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