
Stencils Again! I know I am boring...

I have made five stenciled items in the last week and have one or two more planned for the next week.  These are the first shirts I have made using Yudu screen printing paint and plain old acrylic paint mixed with a textile medium to make fabric paint. 
Both of these paints are much softer than the usual "puffy" fabric paint that tends to crack. 
 Another Robot!  I have made so many robot shirts...
 A little something for the Harry Potter nerds (like me!)
And Audrey!

I am mad that I forgot to take photos of the Valentines day shirts I made for my kids.  I guess those will have to get posted a day late!


  1. These are all so cute! Do you use freezer paper for your stencils or something else?

  2. I do use freezer paper, I used to use contact paper before I discovered the freezer paper :)


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