
The Zoo

We visit the zoo pretty frequently since we have a membership and it's the perfect weather! Seems like everytime I have been in January or the beginning of Febuary we have the best experience. We get to see so many animals and the weather is always perfect! 

It's so funny how I seem to get pictures of my kids in the same spots year after year.  One day I may have to gather them all and print them up for an album!  Also we were laughing that they both act like they have never seen any of these things before even though they have seen them over and over again.  It's nice that they still have a great time even though we really have toured this zoo so many times. 
Adia took over the camera and got some GREAT shots of the animals.  In all the years I have been going to the zoo I don't think I have EVER seen the cheetahs up and around.  It was pretty awesome!

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