
Love Bomb

It's been a while since I have posted about Love Bomb.  In case you don't know what a Love Bomb is...Once a week we come together to drop a Love Bomb (in the form of blog comments) for those who need some love. It doesn't take much time and costs nothing to send a little online love to someone in need.

You can visit the site that is linked above to sign up for the weekly emails or to give suggestions of someone who could use some online love.

This week's Love Bomb is is being dropped on Michael and his Family over at Sludog Millionaire.  Michael has suffered with Encephalitis since December 2010.  Go and spread the love to Michael and his family.


  1. What a lovely idea. I'm off to share some love.

  2. Great idea
    Maybe I can make this work too.



I love comments! Unfortunately I can't figure out how to reply to them....but I really do read them!