

I ordered the book Zombie Felties cause these guys looked too cute!  Who doesn't like a cute Zombie?  In the book there are patterns, instructions, and directions on how to do some of the stitches.  There are quite a few different zombies to choose from.  My favorites are the bunny and Michael Jackson.

 Luckily an Ongoing Wish Swapper likes zombies too and put zombie plushies or something of the like on her wishlist.  It was perfect timing! 

The only thing I didn't realize when I ordered the book is that these creatures are REALLY small sized!  So I made two, a zombie kitty and a zombie puppy.   

I didn't have huge selection of felt colors to choose from and so I wasn't able to use the recommended colors from the book but I am still happy with the way turned out. 

1 comment:

  1. LOL! those are cute! Love the green one..I can do cute zombies. ;0)


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