
Foodie Friday-Cinnamon Swirl Banana Bread

My kids have been asking me to make some banana bread for a while now.  I think they quit eating the bananas we had at home so I would be forced to make a loaf.  Thinking about banana bread brings to mind all the times my mom made it when I was quite small.  This was really special since (sorry mom) she's not much of a cook.  To me banana bread is a classic comfort foods that tastes so good warm with a bit of butter on it. 

Since I like to try new recipes I went through all my bread pins to see if I had anything pinned that looked good.  Up popped a recipe for Cinnamon Swirl Banana Bread.  Umm what?  Yes please! 

The bread is just as easy to make as regular banana bread.  The cinnamon and sugar kick up the flavor quite a bit making this more of a dessert bread than a snacking bread.  My son actually said it was the best bread he has ever had!
So if you have a few brown bananas laying around you should give this bread a try.  You won't regret it!

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