
Shy Girl & Boy

In my previous post I showed you what I got from sheepBlue in our personal swap.  

This pair of hooplas are part of what I sent to her.  She had the pattern pinned and I thought I would give it a go.  These are actually much more detailed then what I normally stitch what with all the hair and wrinkles but I love how they turned out.  I also think it's safe to say I have finally mastered the art of the French Knot!  It's actually really easy!

I was very happy to hear that sheepBlue liked these hoops and was happy with the color choices I made!  Always warms my heart a bit when someone enjoys what I have created for them.

The pattern purchased from Sublime Stitching and was stitched up using the back stitch, a straight stitch, and some French knots.

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