
Manic Monday

I recently participated in the Fall Dotee Swap on Craftster.  A Dotee is an art doll that is no bigger than six inches tall, is hung, and usually has some sort of tail.

All my partners chose my Day of the Dead theme and I love how each one looks a bit different.

alwaysinmyroom embroidered her skull

fancybutch used a soda can and thread for hers.

LovesClutter used buttons and beads on hers.

Here is a photo of all my dotees hanging from my bulletin board.


Craftster Hoopla Along-August

I actually started this hoop for the hoopla along in February and just never finished it.  It sat on my desk staring at me for months when I saw that a swap partner had it pinned.  This gave me the motivation to finish stitching it up.  Then I realized that it would be a perfect fit for August's hoopla along theme which was whimsical!  Win Win!  I got to cross it off my to do list, add it to a swap package, and show it off on Craftster. 
I use a chain stitch for all the lines, a satin stitch for filling in some of the hearts, and some French knots for some detailing.  

Pattern purchased from Urban Threads


Manic Monday

I received this fabulous hoopla in the Ongoing Wish Swap.  It's a quote from Doctor Who.  The fabric it's stitched on is PERFECT!  


Foodie Friday-Winner Winner Asian Steak Dinner

Please excuse my crappy phone photos.  Food doesn't have to look good to be good!
This Asian marinated steak was a winner at our house last weekend.   My kids are always asking why we don’t go out to dinner more often but they don’t understand how EXPENSIVE it is for a family of four to eat out.  Not to mention I can make food that tastes just as good or even better at home for way less money!  This meal was just as tasty as takeout, healthier, and quick.

I paired it with the easy sesame noodles, a chicken egg roll, and some Asian steamed veggies.  Oh and I can't forget the Trader Joe's Gyoza sauce we used to dip the egg rolls in.  I followed the recipe exactly except that I used a different cut of steak.  I found some thinly sliced skirt steak and marinated it all day then grilled it up and cut it.  No need to bother with skewers!  I actually already have another cut of meat in the freezer with the marinade in the bag so we  can have this one again.

Yes we used paper plates.  Don't judge me

The recipe can be found at Skinny Taste


Kumihimo Braided Bracelets

I have been wanting to try Kumihimo braiding for a very long time.  The jewelry that can be made is just gorgeous but I was always afraid to try it since it looked so complicated.  I decided to watch some Youtube vidoes to get an idea of how to make the bracelets and realized that it’s really not that complicated!  I ordered up some supplies and whipped up my first bracelet in no time.
For your first bracelet I recommend using some thicker cord of some kind.  I used satin cord that I purchased on Etsy

Here is one that Adia made

Once I had mastered the basic 8 strand braid I decided to try doing a braid with beads.  I had a little trouble finding the right kind of cord at first but after doing some more research I settled on S-lon Cord #18.  You can burn the ends which makes stringing the beads much easier or you can use a collapsible eye needle to help string them. 

All the tutorials I watched used bobbins to wrap the strung beads around while braiding.  I found that these just get in my way and so I just tie a bead with a knot the end of my strings and let them dangle.  They do tangle up a bit but overall I prefer it.

I use basic round end caps that you can get at your local craft store and E-6000 glue to finish them off.
I hope this helps anyone who is intimidated by this technique to give it a try!

Satin Cord: MorrigansMagic