
Felt Applique Sign

This sign was made for the Ongoing Wish Swap on craftster. It is made from felt and fabric. The sign is completely hand sewn. If you can't tell, it has my partners name, some little fishes, and a mermaid.



I used the website Random.org to pick the winners and I picked three! I am too cheap to have paid for the service so I just used their free random generator three times. The winning comments are number 12, 6, and 3. I will e-mail the winners tomorrow. Congratulations! I plan on having more giveaways in the future. The next will be for a fully customized earring display



It's my first ever giveaway! I have been making tons of these scrabble tile pendants and want to share one with you!

If you win you will get your choice of one of the three pictured tiles or a dictionary tile with the word of your choice. I will also include a colored ball chain of your choice. The colors are silver, black, pink, purple, and green. Don't worry I will make sure to pop a bail on before I send to you!
This is an easy one, to enter just become a follower of my blog and leave me a relevant comment. If you are already a follower then just leave me a comment letting me know! Make sure I have a way to contact you in case you win.
Winners will be chosen on Wednesday. Good Luck!


Field Day!

Adia had field day on Tuesday and I got to go and watch the fun. Here she is getting ready for the jump rope contest. I had to sneak in at least one picture right?

The sponge relay looked like tons of fun! Good thing it was a nice warm day so getting wet was okay with everyone. Kids were dumping water on themselves all day as it was.

Adia came in 3rd place in the hula hoop contest. The kids had to walk around (which was so funny! they all made the same weird look), jump on one foot, and kneel down all while keeping the hula hoop going.

She jumped 5'5 inches in the long jump

She almost won the obstacle course race but the push-ups at the end did her in. Again this was so funny to watch. All the kids had trouble with the big bouncy ball. They were bouncing themselves right off of it.

I have been working on some crafty projects but as they are all for swaps I can't post them just yet....I will have a new post on Sunday or Monday with a chance to win a scrabble tile pendant! My supply order finally came in, just in time!


New and Improved

I just got a new layout and header that I love!!! Thanks so much to The Shabby Vanity. Do you like it? Does your blog need a face lift? Go and visit them today! They have tons to offer and if you visit in the month of April you can get 2 free custom designs!


There's gonna be a contest

Keep your eyes peeled cause on Monday there is gonna be a contest for a fully customizable scrabble tile pendant. I have been trying to wait to recieve an order of some supplies but I am not going to put it off anymore. So get the word out!

Today I had the day off and got to go to Adia's field day at school. She did awesome in the hula hoop contest, the obstacle course, and the long jump. I wish they did it a littl earlier in the year though cause it was kinda hot! Pictures to come later.


Mmmmm Tacos

I like tacos but I never liked making them at home. The pre-made shells were always yuck and the taco seasoning mix tastes like crap. Also I prefer shredded beef tacos to ground beef ones. Give me a mini taco basket from Valle Luna any day over my own homemade crap!

Thanks to some help from Tiffy I have now learned to make taco's that taste (almost) as good as at a Mexican joint. Usually on a Sunday I will make a roast in my Crock Pot and will always have quite a bit left over. So I have started shredding it up and using the leftovers for tacos on Monday. To reheat my already shredded beef, I put a bit of water in a skillet, add my meat and seasoning (garlic powder, cumin, onion salt) and turn it to medium-low. Stir every few minutes.

Now what really make these taco's great are the homemade shells that Tiffy taught me to cook. They are so easy to do and so worth the time. First heat some oil in a skillet on medium heat (enough to cover a tortilla), then you take a small corn tortilla....

Lay it flat your oil for about 10-15 seconds then flip it over for another 10-15 seconds

Next take your tongs and fold it over to form a taco shell. Hold it here until that side is brown and crisp. Then using your tongs, flip it over and cook the other side. You will need to use your tongs to hold the shell open otherwise you will not be able to stuff the shell with fillings later.
Mmmm yummy crisp taco shells! Everyone in my house loves the way these turn out. You can also make tortilla chips the same way except just cut the tortillas prior to putting in the oil and turn them frequently.



My little girl is growing up so fast. Seems like only yesterday I was making bottles and changing diapers. But now she's nine and thinks she is all grown up. She doesn't want help with anything from picking her clothes to brushing her hair. She has an independent streak that I think she might have gotten from me.....She is smart, silly, sensitive, and sassy, a combination that makes me scared to think of the teenage years that will be upon us in no time.
I am starting to see myself in her. We have the same weird bumps on the back of our arms and she is in denial that her and I have the exact same teeth! We have the same color eyes. We both scrunch up our noses when we laugh. We both have the exact same freckle on our faces, just on opposite sides.
She is starting to care about how her hair looks and what clothes she wears and I know that makeup and boys are looming on the horizon. I wish she could have stayed my sweet little girl forever. But we all grow up.
I can only hope that I am doing my job right in preparing her for the future. A future where she makes smart decisions and learns from her mistakes. I wish I could protect her from the world. No matter how old she gets she will always be my little peanut and I will always be her mama. She saved my life and no one will ever be able to take her place.
I love you Adia Maesky Moo.
*Thanks for the great pics Lucas


To go with the hairbows

Again these charms were another impulse buy from Michaels. They turned into a necklace that I orginally wanted for myself but they fit a swap partners likes so since it's never been worn it's finding a new home. I may need to make another for myself though...


This is to hold hairbows. I made it for a swap and included a little hairbow to match.

Another Stencil

This is a character from something...Not sure who though. I made this for someone who requested this specific picture. It was originally done on a brown shirt but I was using my new airbrush thingy for the first time and totally over sprayed! Since I didn't want to have to cut out a whole new stencil I decided to salvage it and cut the stenciled part out and sew it onto a new shirt! I love the way it turned out, even better than the original was going to be. Now to pack it up and ship it off!


Happy Easter

I was pretty bad this year and didn't take a lot of pictures. In fact these are the only two I did take! Easter Sunday was hectic and I was tired after the kids woke me up at 6:00 AM excited about the Easter Bunny's visit to our house. They then proceeded to start eating the candy!
We dyed eggs on Saturday night. Landon and Adia both got a little practice beforehand at the sitter's and grandma's houses. We colored our eggs put out our carrots and the next morning the kids had full baskets and an egg hunt around the house. We went to some friends house where they had their second hunt of the day. Then on to Grandmas where they had their third hunt. Then they went next door and had a fourth hunt. Adia of course did a bit better in the hunts than Landon but he didn't seem to care. They both have WAY more candy then we need around the house. I will be sending quite a bit over to their dad's house this weekend since I know he will help them eat it. Hope everyone else had a safe and fun Easter!

Cause I am exciting

After a bad dentist appointment I decided to cheer myself up and go browse at Michaels. I had some coupons to use which is always a bonus! These charms (which were on clearance, WIN!) just had to come home with me. This is the largest of the three that came in the package. This necklace is pretty basic and nothing special but I adore it. I told Ryan I had to wear it cause I'm exciting!

Same Old Same Old

Two sets of earrings I put together this weekend. Love the way they turned out but of course forgot to throw a pair on this morning. I am really starting to like using chain with my earrings.

For the Kids

I received a swap package that was made especially for the kids. These are awesome water bottle holders for each of them. My partner even put both their names on them. Landon was much more impressed with his than Adia was! Regardless I think they are an awesome idea and will come in handy when we all go do things like the zoo.

Crafty Detective

I participated in the Crafty Detective Swap. You cannot contact your partner, you have to decide what to craft for them based on information you can find out about them. Everyone on Crafster has a Wist which is an online wish list and we all had to fill out a pretty extensive questionnaire. I had a hard time coming up with things to craft for my partner as we have very different tastes. She received her package last week so I can now safely post what I sent her. I made her a crochet hook roll, with a matching sewing kit pouch (not pictured), an earring holder which she really wanted, a wall hanging that was inspired by her Wist, a suncatcher and Calvin and Hobbes puzzle magnets. There were a few other crafted and non crafted extras but these were my favorite items.